Marion & Co. Ltd 12×10 View Camera
Last year, after a patient search, I bought a 12×10 view camera. It needed a bit of a fix up before it could be used – it was rather stiff, needed a ground glass, and some other repairs to the … Continued
Last year, after a patient search, I bought a 12×10 view camera. It needed a bit of a fix up before it could be used – it was rather stiff, needed a ground glass, and some other repairs to the … Continued
Over the next weeks and months I will try to post some pictures and stories about the various projects I have been completing in my upgrade to making 10×8 wet plates. There are many challenges involved in moving up from … Continued
12th August 2015 – Another old post I didn’t get round to publishing. This one is from September 2013!! (I’m not a very good blogger) I recently acquired a Polaroid 405 back that will let me expose Type 100 Polaroid … Continued
My wonderful wife Lynsey, a brilliant Family Life Photographer, documented me making my first ever paper negatives with a camera I borrowed from my friend Alastair Cook. There were so many unknowns (like the lens aperture) and challenges I was … Continued
We went for a wee walk down our road the other day so I decided to try out the Olympus OM10 with Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 lens and Kentmere 400 film, neither of which I’ve used before. The Kentmere film has … Continued
I’ve been really looking forward to shooting with the Lubitel 2 – my dad kindly gave me it; it was his first camera when he bought it back in the 1960s. Here’s a snap of my dad giving me the … Continued
I recently bought a Polaroid Land Camera 340 (manufactured between 1969 and 1971) from eBay. After resisting the temptation for many months to delve into instant photography, in fact I wasn’t at all interested in it and I didn’t really … Continued
A picture of the two FSU solutions giving me 35mm and 50mm focal lengths: I have accumulated a number of different FSU bodies and lenses including: Bodies: FED 2 FED 3 FED 5 Zorki 4K Lenses: Industar-26 50mm f/2.8 Industar-61 … Continued
Whilst I’m trying to figure out the best way to scan my colour negatives properly (boy is that hard to master), I thought I’d share a quick TtV (Through the Viewfinder), as it’s commonly known on Flickr, of my latest … Continued